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Holly Chippindale ensures all products are listed with correct size, dimensions and accurate images of the products to ensure purchasing online is made easy and accurately. Please choose carefully when purchasing from Holly Chippindale as we do not offer refunds, returns or exchanges if you change your mind or make a wrong selection during the check-out process (as supported by Australian Consumer Law).
Damaged goods
All Holly Chippindale works are intrinsically quality controlled, however, should in the unlikely event that a product be delivered which has a manufacturing fault, we will replace or repair the product at no cost to you. You, as the consumer, are entitled to this policy if you contact Holly Chippindale within 24 hours of your product being delivered – notifying us of the fault.

In order for us to resolve your matter as efficiently as possible, we will require a brief description of the damage, your order number and clear imagery of the damage, including packaging. Please remember, Holly Chippindale fine-art prints are printed from 35mm film - therefore grain and imperfections may be present in large scale works. Variations of these are not considered a fault. Should you have any concerns regarding these variations please ensure to discuss with a Customer Service Representative prior to purchasing.

Please note, replacement of book products is contingent upon the item remaining in complete plastic wrapping and photo provided showing clear faults and marks. Holly Chippindale is not liable for damages, stains, or marks once a book has been unwrapped.

In the unlikely event your item has been damaged in transit/lost by DHL Express or Australia Post, you will be required to raise a claim directly with their claims office. Holly Chippindale is not liable for damage/lost in transit claims caused by mishandling or events outside of our control.
Limited liability and warranty
Without overriding any Consumer Guarantees and to the extent permitted by Law, Holly Chippindale does not make any warranties or guarantees in relation to the supply of Holly Chippindale goods and disclaims all liability in connection with any loss and/or damage arising out of or in accordance with any use of, or reliance on, www.hollychippindale.com or manual.
Custom orders
All custom orders placed are deemed final sale, and are not liable for return, refund or exchange.
More questions
Should you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service representatives between Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm AEST and they will be happy to assist you further. Please email orders@hollychippindale.com.